(Source: Shamail Muhamadiyyah ﷺ by Imam Tirmidhiؒ )
The shirt sleeve of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ extended to his blessed wrists.
The article of clothing most beloved to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ that he used to wear was the hibara. A hibara is a soft mantle/shawl made out of soft cotton, in Yemen during the days of Rasoolullah ﷺ. It is also narrated that the beloved loved Qamis.
Hadrat Anas bin Maalikؓ reported that Rasoolullah ﷺ was once wearing a Qitri garment. A qitri garment is an ornate cotton mantel with red coloured patterns, produced in either Qatar or in the region of present day Oman and Yemen.
Prophet Mohammed ﷺ advised us to wear white clothes. He said:
عليكم بالبياض من الثياب. ليلبسها احياؤكم. وكفنوا فيها موتاكم. فانها من خير ثيابكم. ٦٧
T. : “Wear white clothes. Let your living wear them and shroud your dead in them, for white is the best of your attire.”
Najashiؓ gifted a pair of solid black leather footwear to the prophet ﷺ. Ibn Hibbanؒ recorded that Najashi wrote to the prophet ﷺ: I have gifted you a shirt, trousers, a shawl like garment that is worn over the head and shoulders, and a pair of black leather footwear.”